No Partiality

May 21, 2023    Sam Awuku

There's always been something special about the bond between siblings. Growing up together in the same household, having the same teachers, horsing around and playing pranks. No one usually KNOWS YOU better than your sibling.

In our new sermon series #James #PracticalLiving , Elder Sam Awuku shares how there should be "No Partiality" & explores how a younger, doubtful sibling of Jesus was transformed from a cowering fearful 😨 sceptic to the LEADER of the Jerusalem Church ⛪. There he would peacefully confront, teach, & lead the New Testament Church under very difficult circumstances. He would ultimately be murdered for his faith & belief in his older brother Jesus Christ.

You won't want to miss this next Sermon Series on "How then shall we live in the real world". Join us LIVE @DramaticHall 900 Main Street Peekskill NY 🗽, or

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