Brooklyn Adult & Teen Challenge

Mar 5, 2023

Addiction is the NUMBER 1 KILLER & Cause for incarceration at this present time.

Addiction is an outward manifestation of inward issues. In a new and vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and developing character qualities, lives are transformed, families restored, and addictions lose their power. 

We focus on Biblical Principles and depend on decades of experience to walk people to freedom. We are a little like a family, a little like a school, and a little like a boot camp. What is most important is that we are in it together.

Since 1958, Brooklyn Teen Challenge has impacted the streets of Brooklyn and the surrounding boroughs. We are part of the largest faith-based network of programs which now has over 35,000 beds available in over 1,400 centers around the world.

Join us This Sunday as we Host this amazing ministry and hear 1st hand how God is setting the captives free through the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

#peekskillrevival #Brooklynadultteenchallenge #teenchallenge #drugfree #hudsonvally