Letting Go of Loneliness

Sep 10, 2023    Robert Lindenberg

No matter your age or relationship status, we all need friends who encourage us and point us toward Jesus. Do you have friends like that? If not, how do you find them? And how can you become that friend for someone else? It’s time to let go of loneliness—let’s learn how together at church.

We believe the church isn’t a building—it’s people. And when each of those people knows who they are and what they believe, they can achieve incredible things together. In our new series, We Are the Church, let’s learn more about who we are and how we can work together to change the world.

Join us the next few weeks as Pastor Rob explains the what & why the "Church" exists in our NEW #SermonSeries inspired by #lifechurch #WeAreTheChurch

Watch this message "The Miracle You Most Need" by Pastor Rob here: https://the-peak-community-churc.subspla.sh/pm5mdb4 or come visit us in person LIVE @DramaticHall 900 Main Street 3rd Fl. Peekskill, NY 🗽

#Peekskillrevival #hudsonvellyny #DramaticHall #WeAretheChurch